A developmental process capable of unlocking unexpressed resources


It’s a journey through which individuals are “trained” to achieve personal and professional GROWTH GOALS. In coaching, the premise is self-knowledge and AWARENESS of one’s resources and areas for improvement.

Where there is an acorn, the Coach sees an oak tree, having full confidence in people’s POTENTIAL development and in everyone’s ability to FIND SOLUTIONS to achieve their goals.

The history

Coaching is a relatively new discipline in Italy, but it has been established in the United States for over 50 years. It has its roots in neuroscience and business management. However, it has very ancient roots: Socrates invited us to “Know ourselves”. Pindar used to greet his disciples by saying: “Become what you are”. Parmenides claimed that everything is possible, “You just need to find the courage to follow the path”.

Recognized benefits

Coaching is an effective tool: it helps people to rebalance their private and professional life, it improves relationships with others by identifying strategies more suitable for their goals. In 2002, the Financial Times published the results of a study by the International Personnel Management Association, which showed that productivity in the case of training improved by about 22%, while with Coaching it reached 88%.

Types of coaching

EXECUTIVE: Coaching for Top Management

CORPORATE: Coaching for Middle Management

BUSINESS: For Entrepreneurs or Professionals

TEAM: For Functional or Interfunctional Groups

The I&G Methodology

Coaching leverages the ability to increase self-esteem and awareness, thereby promoting an empowerment process that acts as a real multiplier of results. The Coachee takes an active role and identifies and acts on specific behaviors and actions that they define themselves. The journey presupposes the Coachee’s active commitments, outside of the coaching session, and fosters significant determination for achieving results. The Coachee is responsible for every step they take, the Coach helps them become aware of their goals to achieve them in the best possible way.

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